Studio Tools

I designed these tools after participating in a felt hat course with Jean Hicks during my residency at the Appalachian Center for Crafts in Smithville, TN in 2004. Jean was using the ribbed screw thread of a wooden plunger to full a hat while on the hat block and I thought a variant of the tool would be ideal for fulling the concave areas of hollow forms developed with extreme differential shrinkage. These tools are made by a production wood turner specifically for STRONGFELT, inc on a lathe and branded by Lisa Klakulak before sending them out!

I use the tool in the agitation of narrow and hard to reach areas of hollow forms as well as to block and stretch the felt with either the pointed or blunt end. Rather than flattening the felt form for agitation on a surface mat, take the ridged surface to the form! The tool is not a magic wand, but rather an assistant. To avoid tearing up or pilling the surface, I recommend that the felt is already at a fulling stage, juicy with water and soap and that the felt is moved against the ridged surface rather that scrubbing the tool against the felt surface. Take a class on Hollow Form to learn more!